Vision. Mission. Values.
A world in which all liberatory movements are resourced with leaders who have access to the tools, skills, training and relationships that they need to achieve trauma-informed, embodied, transformational change.
Leading, or aspiring to lead transformative change is the work of an entire lifetime. It takes a village, and our community is open to every multiply marginalised leader who needs it.
The mission of our community is:
To co-produce nourishing spaces for leaders with multiple and intersecting 'marginalised' identities engaged in social change that support movement building. We centre building access bodily knowledge, deep relationship building,, encouragement to rest, learn, heal, be inspired and energised.
We know from first-hand experience that finding time and space outside of 'business-as-usual' to contemplate, plan for, and deliver change can be difficult. Often, 'transformative' work also requires skills outside of our organisations. This is where we come in!
The mission of our consultancy services is:
To work in partnership with people, teams and organisations who are truly committed to embedding Transformational Lived Experience in their work - centring liberatory practice and a deep commitment to achieving change. ​
Led by Lived Experience
Using our first-hand experience of being marginalised by the everyday practices of people, services, organisations, and systems to recognise and challenge the systems and behaviours that create/re-create inequality and systemic injustice.
Women of Colour Feminism at the centre
We use interdisciplinary thinking underpinned by the principles, wisdom and gifts of Black and women of colour Feminism. We use this generative frame to inspire thoughtful, brave, and creative leadership capable of meeting the challenges that we currently face as a society.
Committed to working in relationship
Systems change work, without the practice of building genuine connection is merely project management – an important tool, but not a means to transformation. We therefore judge the pace of change/intensity of our work by the quality of relationship.
Wholeheartedly Generous / Trauma Informed Leadership
To resist the technologies of dominance, which teach us we must understand the world in an uncomplicated way; we always try to show up as our full, most generous selves. Part of this generosity is to understand the messy nature of the social relations of power – and that we are (no matter our position of power) are both victims and assailants of violence.
Generating our own brand of Innovation
We are deeply embedded in critical practices and disciplines from everywhere; from critical academia, grass-roots community building at the margins, anti-stigma movements, social innovation/anti-oppressive approach – we bring it all together, serving something truly unique.